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masanobu Nishigaki

Masanobu Nishigaki

In 2019, 150 years after Berlioz's death, the performer chose the most prominent "Symphonie Fantique". His right hand is striking the body of the guitar and manipulating the strings to form two timpani. What does the audience hear? Intense love, anger and despair, madness, and silence. His hands, playing the orchestra with only six strings, definitely created the magic of music.

France Romain Rolland Foundation (Association Romain Rolland) January 2020

The magician of this guitar expressed emotion in the six threads without any intervention. For him, he wasn't even playing an instrument, he was interacting with that beautiful instrument (a wonderful 1830 made in France).

Swiss Journal Kosone July 16, 2010

With a special sense of birth, he found an expression of his emotions on one guitar, the perfection he wanted, the harmony of harmony and dreams. This performer Nishigaki used a completely unbelievable technique to create intimacy and structure in the sound. Pianissimo invites the audience to travel like a bird's feather. While praying at the sound as a word of prayer, he brought the development of Bach's counterpoint world to the fusion of harmony, transforming all his works into a world of meditation. It can be concluded that Masanobu Nishigaki is actually one of the greatest performers on this planet.

Swiss Journal Kosone Sebastian Claw June 28, 2013

Debussy, here is the energy to realize the creativity of Nishigaki World that pierced Ravel!

Norio Fukushi (Composer, Former Chairman of Japan Society for Contemporary Music, Current Honorary Member)

The first published arrangement with guitar accompaniment was made by Masanobu Nishigaki and Gendai Guitar Co. in 1983 and spread to the world.

But no one had the courage to entrust this sonata to a guitar in a lonely room. This was realized by one musician, Masanobu Nishigaki. Advanced arrangement technology that reconstructs music on a single guitar without losing any elements of music. And above all, the challenge of "beauty". Nishigaki sculpted "loneliness" in this arrangement, which had cursed the heart of the young man Schubert.

Mathias Roger (musicologist Agrégatione, living in Paris) CD "Sonata Arpeggione" criticism


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